Special Offers
To claim the Special Offers, please contact us through our website, including:
- Your name
- Your phone number
- Your email
- The treatment you want
- Your dental health fund
- Your available days
and we will arrange an appointment for you.
New Patient Special
Applicable for regular general clean, excluding deep clean or extended clean. Seniors' discount does not apply.
Receive a comprehensive check-up and clean, professional cleaning and polishing, and save $30 on X-rays!
Children (Age 2-9)
Teenagers (10-17)
Adults (Age 18 +)
Dental Implants
Free 3D scan with your dental implant (or no gap with private health fund), usual fee is $280
Complimentary take-home teeth whitening kit for adults over 25yo
Teeth Whitening
In-chair (30-minute session)
Take-home kit (includes custom trays for your upper and lower teeth with 2 PolaDay gels)